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对消费者的生活方式研究的意义消费者行为学 18、
在泥浆护壁成孔灌注桩施工中,确保成桩质量的关键工序是( )
D.灌注水下混凝土装配式混凝土建筑施工技术 SQL的查询结果可输出到().面向对象程序设计(信管) 题型描述: 阅读理解After my father passed away, I found a piece of paper in his wallet. It was old and almost crumbled (破碎) away at my touch. I carefully unfolded it and found the following: Wanted: Honest men and women. Job description: Crowd control, watching, and patrolling (巡逻). You will often work with a partner, someone who must watch out for you while, you do the same for them. You must be in control of your temper when others may lose theirs. You must be physically fit, of high intelligence, and the highest moral fiber(道德力量). You must be willing to work long hours, perhaps standing or walking for the entire shift. Training: Extensive and on-going. Pay: Not very high. Benefits: The satisfaction of a job well done; positive contribution to society; the opportunity to make a real difference in the community. The knowledge that you help keep children safe. Drawbacks: Long hours, low pay, danger, and occasional loneliness and boredom. To apply, talk to the nearest Police Station about training as an officer. My father lost his life in the line of duty as a police officer. He never spoke about his work, preferring to come home to peace and quiet and to his favorite chair. But when I read this, I felt I was closer to my father.1.What is the passage mainly about?A. The death of the authorˊs fatherB. The authorˊs familyC. The job as a police officerD. An advertisement put up by the authorˊs father.2.What does the phrase ″pass away″ mean in the passage?A. Move to another placeB. LeaveC. DieD. Go away.3.According to the passage, how can we describe the job as a police officer?A. Well-paidB. SatisfactoryC. InterestingD. Dangerous and hard.4.According to the passage, what kind of person is fit for the job as a police officer?A. Responsible and well-disciplinedB. Intelligent and moralC. With the above three qualitiesD. Honest and physically fit.5.Why did the authorˊs father never speak of his job to his family?A. Because discipline made him keep silentB. Because he wasnˊt interested in his jobC. Because he was too tired to speak a wordD. Because he didnˊt want his family to worry about him.专科英语II 肌浆网Ca2+ 处理功能障碍指肌浆网病理生理学 作力多边形时改变各力的顺序,不会改变合力矢量的大小和方向。理论力学