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 高等继续教育 / 英汉翻译

英汉翻译段落翻译:This is a conflict without battlefields, a conflict with opponents who believe they are invisible. Yet, they are mistaken. They will be exposed, and they will discover what others in the past have learned: Those who make war against justice have chosen their own destruction. Victory against terrorism will not take place in a single battle, but in a series of decisive actions against terrorist organizations and those who harbor and support them.
We are planning a broad and sustained campaign to secure our country and get rid of the evil of terrorism. And we are determined to see this conflict through. Americans of every faith and background are committed to this goal.
英语专业英汉翻译段落翻译:This is a conflict without battlefields, a conflict with opponents who believe they are invisible. Yet, they are mistaken. They will be exposed, and they will discover what others in the past have learned: Those who make war against justice have chosen their own destruction. Victory against terrorism will not take place in a single battle, but in a series of decisive actions against terrorist organizations and those who harbor and support them.
We are planning a broad and sustained campaign to secure our country and get rid of the evil of terrorism. And we are determined to see this conflict through. Americans of every faith and background are committed to this goal.

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