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 国家开放大学 / 外科护理学


A. 胃潴留
B. 倾倒综合征
C. 胃肠吻合口瘘
D. 胃出血
E. 输出段空肠梗阻
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  • 调动教师工作积极性的基础和前提是(    )。 A.满足教师的各种合理需要B.满足教师休闲娱乐的需要C.满足教师改善生活条件的需要D.满足教师发挥才能的需要幼儿园管理
  • 27、Istared at the canteen as if it were a mirage. A. i imagined seeing a canteen. B. i looked at the canteen closely. C. i knew there wasn`t a canteen actually. D. i couldn`t believe that the canteen was still there.大学英语2
  • 非充分灌溉制度,说法正确的是: 国家开放大学
  • 下列关于结账操作,正确的是(  )。电算化会计
  • Who _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your pets when you are not at home? 大学英语2(专)