1.  >>  高等继续教育 / 中国法制史
 高等继续教育 / 中国法制史

题型描述: 论述题
  • 1、下列属于按桥梁基础分类的是( ) (分数:3 分) A. 刚性基础 B. 承台 C. 沉井 D. 盖梁桥梁工程
  • 2、企业在生产过程中发生的生产费用,就是产品成本。 成本会计
  • 对沸点较高、黏度较低、吸收很强的液体样品,可以将液体夹于两块盐片之间,通过毛细作用吸附住液层形成液膜,然后置于样品架上,测定光谱,此法称为( ) 仪器分析
  • ( )是职业测评的错误方式。应该选择正确答案以自己的第一感觉作答轻松作答一次完成国家开放大学
  • 原告诉请被告返还借款5万元,为证明这一事实,原告向法院提交了被告书写的“借据”;被告则主张“借款已经清偿”,并向法院出示了原告交给他的“收据”。关于原、被告双方的证据,下列哪些选项是正确的? 证据法原理与实务
  • We are one of the most well-known computer companies in the world. We need someone who can work as a secretary in our Beijing office. We are looking for someone who is about twenty-five years old (male or female). We need someone who can understand and speak English and Japanese. He or she should be able to use a computer and to drive a car. Work experiences are not required. We can make appointments to meet applicants. If you are interested in working with us, please call us at 010-68423528 between July 14th and 18th.英语(一)