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 高等继续教育 / 计算机统考

  • 题型描述: 阅读理解M. Gregory Gale is one of the few people in England who are 100 years old, but this is not the only thing that makes him remarkable. On the day of his birthday, he played a game of tennis and went for a long walk. A few days later a radio reporter came to his house and asked him if he had any “secrets of long life”. This is what Mr. Gale said.“No, I don’t know any ‘secrets’ like that, but there are a few simple rules of good life. I’ve always kept them all my life. The first is this: ‘Don’t listen to those fools who tell you that you have to give up all the pleasures of life!’ That’s absolute nonsense!”“The second is to enjoy all the pleasures of life in moderation. For instance, I’ve always smoked a few good cigars every day. Not many, mind you! Only two or three! I’ve also always drunk a little good wine with my meals, perhaps two or three glasses.”“The third rule is to take a little exercise every day. I’ve always taken a little every day and on Saturdays I’ve always played a little tennis.”1、 M. Gregory Gale plays tennis every day. A. F B. T 2、 There are many people who are 100 years old in England. A. T B. F 3、 M. Gregory Gale has some “secrets of long life”. A. F B. T 4、 M. Gregory Gale played tennis and went for a walk on his 100th birthday. A. F B. T 5、 M. Gregory Gale smokes and drinks. A. F B. T统考英语A
  • 52、在Windows 文件夹窗口中共有35个文件,用鼠标左键依次单击前5个文件,被选定的文件个数是______。 A.0 B.1 C.5 D.35计算机统考
  • Against such a well-trained professional team, I’m afraid our chances of winning the game are pretty [ _ ]. A.noticeable B.weak C.slim D.helpless E.英语
  • 刘某经某市行政主管部门许可后修建了一座高楼并严重影响了李某的通风条件。李某属 于该行政许可行为的( )(A) 第三人 (B) 行政相对人 (C) 鉴证人 (D) 利害关系人行政法
  • “现实是此岸,理想是彼岸。中间隔着湍急的河流,行动则是架在川上的桥梁。”对这句话的说明的正确的是( )。(A)理想否定现实(B)现实否定理想(C)理想与现实无关(D)只有行动可以使理想化为现实[参考答案:D]  分值:2得分: 分 系统自动批改于2020年5月12日 23点25分 思想道德修养与法律基础
  • 识读组合体投影图的方法有( )。 建筑识图与构造