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 国家开放大学 / 综合英语(3)

I was just _ _ _ _ _ _ _ along when all of a sudden I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ someone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 

A.walking; was hearing; to scream  
B.walking; heard; scream   
C.walked; heard; screamed 
D.walking; was hearing; scream   
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  • – Do you have to bow when you meet someone in Japan?    –                             综合英语(3)
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  • 18.秦及西汉初期九卿中掌民族及外交事务的是(    )。    a.太仆                        b.廷尉   c.典客(大鸿胪)               d.奉常中国政治制度史