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 国家开放大学 / 个案工作

  • What can we know about the origin of “tip”?a.It originated from the English inn service.b.The original purpose of tip was to ensure that waiter could get more money.c.The waiter threatened the customers with bad service if no tips were given.d.It originated in a small English village.综合英语(2)
  • –You look so tired and bad-tempered. Have you been doing anything besides working?–                                       a.Yeah. Nothing but sleep. Tiresome, isn’t it? I should find something interesting to kill time.b.Actually many things to do. Jogging, chatting, fishing, watching movies, reading, etc., exciting every day.c. Not really. I haven’t been getting much sleep either. But what can I do? I’ve got to get this work done.综合英语(2)
  • 经济新常态结束了中国经济长达30多年的高速增长,中国经济进入结构转型的新阶段。 习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想
  • 【判断题】体现尊重原则的是:对病人一视同仁 职业道德与药学伦理(师范专)
  • 下面诗歌中,写于当代中国历史上的灾荒年代的一首诗是____。a.《母亲》b.《悼念一棵枫树》c.《乞丐》 d.《凶年逸稿》中国现当代文学名著导读(2)
  • 产品和技术型新产品是一回事。 A、正确 B、错误市场营销策划