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 国家开放大学 / 实用写作

述职报告在人称上使用(    )

A. 第一人称
B. 三种人称均可
C. 第三人称
D. 第二人称
  • modifiedinresponsesraisestolerancemadebiotechnology artificialresistancevarietyThe appearance of genetically ( 1 ) foods in the marketplace has resulted ( 2 ) a firestorm of public debate, scientific discussion, and media coverage. A ( 3 ) of ecological and human health concerns come with the new advances ( 4 ) possible by genetic modification.What are the benefits?Genetically modified foods (GM foods or GMF) offer a way to quickly improve crop characteristics such as yield, pest ( 5 ), or herbicide ( 6 ), often to a degree not possible with traditional methods.Further,genetically modified crops can be manipulated to produce completely ( 7 ) substances, from the precursors to plastics to consumable vaccines.What are the risks?The power of genetic modification techniques ( 8 ) the possibility of human health, environmental,and economic problems,including unanticipated allergic ( 9 ) to novel substances in foods,the spread of pest resistance or herbicide tolerance to wild plants,inadvertent toxicity to benign wildlife, and increasing control of agriculture by ( 10 ) corporations.大学英语语法
  • 储液干燥器安装在蒸发器出口处, 汽车空调构造与维修
  • 2[单选题] 硬盘工作时,应特别注意避免 A.光线直射 B.强烈震动 C.环境卫生不好 D.噪声计算机应用基础
  • 被后人赞誉为“以孤篇压倒全唐” 的诗人是(    ) 中国古代文学作品选读
  • 下面程序段执行完毕,我们在浏览器中看到的内容是什么?( )互联网软件应用与开发(网络程序设计)
  • 德国现当代幼儿园在教学组织形式上,主张()。 学前教育史