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 成人高等教育 / 市场营销策划

使用统一品牌策略,如果品牌下的一个产品出现问题,会影响到整个品牌的声誉。( )
  • A、正确
  • B、错误
  • 25、下面最难防范的网络攻击是______。 A.计算机病毒 B.插入伪消息 C.修改某用户的权限表 D.搭线窃听计算机统考
  • 系统传递函数分母中S的阶数n必定(  )分子中S的阶数。 机械工程控制基础
  • 37、(   )为采煤工作面长度、区段煤柱宽度及区段上下两平巷宽度之和。 A、 工作面走向长度 B、 区段垂高 C、 区段斜长煤矿开采学
  • 未成年人的监护人在作出与被监护人利益有关的决定时,可以不理睬未成年人的真实意愿。 实用法律基础
  • 基于数字计算机和实时数字信号处理技术实现的电力系统继电保护,也称数字式继电保护、计算机继电保护、微型机继电保护、微机继电保护等,也可简称微机保护,微型机继电保护。电力系统继电保护
  • 18、George Stephenson was born in 1781. He was _ _ 21 _ _ a poor English worker's family. His father looked after a steam engine. He worked hard indeed, _ _ 22 _ _ he could not support his family. Where could he get the money to send George to school? George began to learn his ABC when he was seventeen. On his 18th birthday, he could write his own name. George had to work when he was only a small child. The work was much too hard _ _ 23 _ _ him. He worked for 12 hours every day. After a day's work he often felt _ _ 24 _ _ tired to stand. He worked and studied very hard. He spent all this time learning about the steam engine. _ _ 25 _ _ he studied hard, he invented many things. The railway locomotive(火车头)was the greatest one of them.统考英语完型填空