>> 成人高等教育 / 经济数学基础
E.混合所有制经济中的集体成分毛泽东思想与中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 1.Listen and fill in the blanks.
Yolanda: Ming, look! I can’t believe it! It’s Dan. Hey Dan! How are you?
Dan: Yolanda? Ming? Wow! I haven’t seen you guys since graduation night!
Ming: I know. You look 1 (1)!
Dan: Thanks. So do you!
Ming: So what have you been 2 (2) to?
Dan: Well, I go to Faber College.
Yolanda: Really? Do you like it?
Dan: Yeah, so 3 (3). But I’ve been studying really hard.
Ming: Sure you have . . .
Yolanda: So, what’s your major?
Dan: It’s 4 (4) science.
Ming: Ah-h-h. That makes 5 (5). You always were good at math and science.
Dan: Thanks. Anyway, what have you guys been up to?
Ming: Well, I’m a 6 (6) rep for a publishing company.
Dan: No kidding! How do you like that?
Ming: Oh, I love it! I’m on the 7 (7) a lot, but I get to meet some interesting people.
Dan: That’s terrific. And how about 8 (8), Yolanda?
Yolanda: I’m studying pre-med at State College.
Dan: Wow – you can be my 9 (9)! You always were good at science, too. Well, it was great seeing you both. Let’s keep in 10 (10) from now on. Email me sometime. Here’s my address.高级英语听说(1) 下列叙述中,正确的是( )。 计算机文化基础 在计算机网络中,WLAN代表的是无线局域网。 A、正确 B、错误计算机应用基础 一个四体交叉存储器,每个模块容量是64K×32位,存取周期为200ns,总线传送周期为50ns,问:(1)在一个存取周期中,该存储器最多能向CPU提供多少位二进制信息?(2)设字长32位,连续读出4个字时,该交叉存储器的带宽是多少?计算机组成原理 6[填空题]