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 河南成教 / 大学英语4

10、She didn't _ _ _ _ _ _ _ me for returning the wallet that I found.

A. so much as thank

B. so much as to thank

C. as much as thanking

D. so much as thanking
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  • It _________ at Christmas that John Smith gave Mary a handbag.大学英语II
  • 善清中焦热的是()中医药学概论
  • 42、在星形连接中,相、线电流的关系如何?模拟电子技术
  • 岩层中对于IV级以下围岩,喷射混凝土层将在同围岩共同变形的过程中对围岩提供支护抗力,使围岩变形得到控制,从而使围岩保持稳定。地下建筑与结构
  • 4[单选题] 园林建筑大多都具有实用和(    )两个方面的作用。 A.景观创造 B.休息 C.居住 D.引导游人河南理工大学