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 高等继续教育 / 统考英语阅读理解

47、Mr Brown was very good at fixing things around the house when they broke. One day he went to another city to do some work there, and his wife was alone in the house. While Mr Brown was away, one of the faucets(自来水龙头) on the bathtub broke. Mrs Brown didn't know much about fixing broken faucets, so she telephoned a plumber(管子工).
The plumber came to the house that afternoon and fixed the faucet in a few minutes. When he finished, he gave Mrs Brown his bill for the work.
She looked at it for several seconds and then said, "Your prices are very high, aren't they? Do you know, the doctor costs less than this when he comes to the house?"
"Yes, I know," answered the plumber, "I know that very well, because I was a doctor until I was lucky enough to find this job a few months ago."
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