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 高等继续教育 / 旅游法规

题型描述: 单选题
旅游合同( )
  • 23.有两个投资方案A和B,A方案投资100万元,年净收益14万元,年产量1000件;B方案投资144万元,年净收益20万元,年产量1200件,基准投资回收期为10年,则以下表述中正确的是( )。工程经济学
  • 社会分裂为阶级的根本原因是剩余产品和私有制的出现 马克思主义基本原理
  • 一组均数为10,标准差为2的数据。如果各变量值均加上1,得一组新数据。新数据的均数和标准差可能为( )预防医学
  • 7[阅读题] So at about eleven every night when he sat down for his (1) , I would come out of the kitchen and sit down (2) to him and read articles from the front page of the (3) . When I ran into a word I didn’tknow (and I didn’tknow half of the article, because any word (4) than a couple of syllables gave me trouble) he explained the (5) of the word and gave me the (6) .Then he’d send me (7) . to the sentences so I could understand the word in (8) . Then I would take the paper away with me, armed now with the meaning of those words, and reread and reread the article (9) that the meaning of those words would get(10) into my memory. Every evening we did that.河南理工大学
  • 4、在视图上不能完成的操作是(  ) 。 A. 更新视图 B. 查询 C. 在视图上定义新的表 D. 在视图上定义新的视图数据库应用2
  • 老化过程与个人的认知力无关老年护理学