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 高等继续教育 / 管理信息系统(工商管理)

题型描述: 判断题
系统开发的详细调查应遵循“用户参与”的原则。( )
  • 2[简答题] 总结交流电机单相磁动势的性质、它的幅值大小、幅值位置、脉动频率各与哪些因素有关?这些因素中哪些是由构造决定的,哪些是由运行条件决定的?电机学
  • C公司以支付现金的方式取得D公司20%的股份,实际支付的买价为3000万元,在购买 过程中另支付手续费等相关费用60万元。C 公司在 取得D公司股份后,派人参与了D公司的生产经营决策,能够对D公司施加重大影响,C公司将其划分为长期股权投资。 要求:做出C公司投资日的会计分录。中级财务会计(I)
  • 7、简述战略性外包对企业动态能力的促进作用。跨国公司管理
  • 什么是常量?C语言程序设计
  • 题型描述: 段落翻译Critics often speak of “the rich” with none-too-subtle disdain, as if those at the very top of the income ladder are all dishonest people or as if becoming rich is difficult and means others must become poorer. While we would be the first to admit that some rich people are dishonest, we must add that achieving the status of “the rich” (defined, say, by having a net worth of $1,000,000) is not particularly difficult, contrary to popular wisdom. The rules for acquiring substantial wealth are few, simple. This fact suggests that becoming rich for most Americans is a matter of choice. One of the rules for being rich is to avoid frivolous(无重要意义的) temptations. That is easier said than done, and we do not necessarily recommend that all people should lead a pure and joyless life. We mean only to point out that the great majority of those four percent of Americans who have $1,000,000 in net worth get to where they are because they control their pleasures. For example, rich Americans buy cars that are on average only slightly more expensive than those less wealthy Americans buy.英汉翻译
  • 严重创伤后患者代谢反应特点有糖的利用增加,血糖降低。急救护理