1.  >>  河南成教 / 水工程经济
 河南成教 / 水工程经济

  • 2、 下列有关公司首次发行债券条件的表述正确的是( ) A.股份有限公司的净资产不低于5000万元人民币 B.有限责任公司的注册资本不低于6000万元人民币 C.累计债券余额不超过公司净产的40% D.最近二年平均可分配利润足以支付公司债券一年利息商法学
  • 25.下列行为中,不属于委托加工应税消费品业务的有( )。受托方提供原材料加工应税消费品受托方以委托方名义购进原材料加工应税消费品受托方从委托方购进原材料后再接受加工委托方提供原材料,受托方代垫辅助材料税收理论与实务
  • 下面哪些是软件缺陷产生的原因?()软件需求存在错误软件的设计说明中有错误软件的程序代码中存在错误软件测试过程中有错误软件测试
  • 题型描述: 阅读理解The room was dark and still. Only one boy was still awake. He sat on the edge of his bed at a far corner of the room. Slowly and carefully, he made small holes across a piece of paper with a sharp stylus (铁笔). Every two or three minutes he stopped and ran his fingers across the raised dots on the opposite side of the paper. A whisper came from the next bed, “Louis, are you still making dots? You’d better stop and get some rest. The teacher will be angry if you fall asleep in class.” The reply came slowly. “I know. I’m almost finished now. Go back to sleep, Gauthier.” Louis Braille, inventor of the Braille reading system (盲文) for the blind, put his paper and stylus on a table behind his bed. He stood up and walked across the room to an open window. He hardly noticed the cool April wind brushing his face. He knew his system would work despite what others thought.1、 From the passage we know people did not believe Braille would succeed in his work. A. F B. T 2、 The other boy asked Braille to stop because he could not go to sleep with Braille working. A. F B. T 3、 This passage is mainly about how the Braille method was invented. A. T B. F 4、 Braille stopped making dots and ran his fingers across the paper from time to time because he was tired. A. F B. T 5、 Louis and Gauthier were classmates. A. F B. T统考英语A
  • 谓词“x(x+5 = 0)”在个体域为自然数集时的真值为: A、 0 B、 1 C、 2 D、 不确定计算机应用基础
  • 社会文化因素对人格的形成没有影响。( )(判断题)普通心理学