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 河南成教 / 道路勘测设计

公路勘测设计的阶段可根据公路的性质和设计要求分为( )、( )和()
  • 数据库设计可划分为六个阶段,每个阶段都有自己的设计内容,“为哪些关系,在哪些属性上、建什么样的索引”这一设计内容应该属于( )设计阶段。 数据库应用技术
  • 用线性探测法解决冲突问题时,所产生的一系列后继散列地址_______。数据结构
  • 题型描述: 阅读理解In bringing up children, every parent watches eagerly the child's acquisition(学会) of each new skill the first spoken words, the first independent steps, or the beginning of reading and writing. It is often tempting to hurry the child beyond his natural learning rate, but this can set up dangerous feelings of failure and states of worry in the child. This might happen at any stage. A baby might be forced to use a toilet too early, a young child might be encouraged to learn to read before he knows the meaning of the words he reads. On the other hand, though, if a child is left alone too much, or without any learning opportunities, he loses his natural enthusiasm(热情) for life and his desire to find out new things for himself.Parents vary greatly in their degree of strictness towards their children. Some may be especially strict in money matters. Others are severe over times of coming home at night or punctuality(准时) for meals. In general, the controls imposed represent the needs of the parents and the values of the community as much as the child's own happiness.  As regards the development of moral standards in the growing child, consistency is very important in parental teaching. To forbid a thing one day and excuse it the next is no foundation for morality(道德). Also, parents should realize that "example is better than precept". If they are not sincere and do not practise what they preach (说教), their children may grow confused, and emotionally insecure(不安全) when they grow old enough to think for themselves, and realize they have been to some extent fooled.  A sudden awareness of a marked difference between their parents' principles and their morals can be a dangerous disappointment.基础英语I
  • 关于游戏在幼儿园课程中的作用的说法,错误的是( ) 幼儿园活动设计
  • 15、磁盘镜像是指在服务器中与主硬盘对应的另一硬盘,该硬盘必须是一个物理上独立 硬盘。正确错误计算机网络工程(信息管理)
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