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 成人高等教育 / 毛中特C

19大报告提出,加快建设创新型国家,到( )跻身创新型国家前列。
  • A、
  • B、
  • C、
  • D、
  • 设 A={1, 2, 4, 6}, 则关系 R={<x, y>|x, y∈Ax/y∈A}等于: A、 A×A - {<1,1>};   B、 {<1,2>,<2,1>};   C、 {<1,1>,<2,2>,<4,4>,<6,6>,<2,1>,<4,2>,<4,1>};   D、 {<1,2>,<2,2>,<4,2>,<6,2>}.离散数学(上)
  • 47、Mark Twain was famous as a writer, but he was also famous as a public speaker and teller of funny stories. He often went from town to town giving lectures. One day he was walking along the street of a small town where he was going to give a lecture that evening. He met a young man who said, "Mr. Twain, I'd like to talk to you for a minute, please. I have an uncle that I'm fond of. The problem is he never laughs or smiles. Can you do anything?" "Bring your uncle to my lecture this evening, young man. I guarantee that he'll laugh and smile." That evening the young man and his uncle sat in the first row. Mark Twain spoke directly at them. He told some funny stories, but the old man never smiled. Then he told the funniest stories he knew, but the old man's face still remained blank(茫然的). At last, Mark Twain left the platform almost exhausted. Later Mark Twain was talking with a friend about this. "Oh!" said the friend, "I know that old man. He has been deaf for years."统考英语阅读理解
  • 高等数学
  • document.write($wapper.api.getDisplayFormat("(A)1(B)-1(C)0(D)任意实数[参考答案:A]  分值:4"));(A)1(B)-1(C)0(D)任意实数[参考答案:A]  分值:4showAnswer("lemonysoft_item_kdlgodgnr0_43","","3");得分: 分系统自动批改于2020年5月31日 17点43分 (A)1(B)-1(C)0(D)任意实数[参考答案:A]  分值:4高等数学(专科)
  • 37、计算机病毒是一种特殊的计算机程序,下面表述错误的是_______。 A.计算机病毒具有隐蔽性、破坏性、传染性 B.计算机病毒具有传染性、可执行性、破坏性 C.计算机病毒具有隐蔽性、潜伏性、衍生性 D.计算机病毒具有传染性、免疫性、破坏性计算机统考
  • 6. 毛泽东指出:“如果不帮助农民推翻封建地主阶级,就不能组成中国革命 最强大的队伍而推翻帝国主义的统治。”其实质含义是?中国近现代史纲要