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 成人高等教育 / 教育心理学


  • A、


  • B、


  • C、


  • D、


  • 某县政府拆迁县城中心一住宅小区出售给开发商牟取利益,该行为已构成行政法上的 ( )(A) 滥用职权 (B) 超越职权 (C) 违反法定程序 (D) 适用法律法规不当行政法
  • 目前已知的唐诗总量有多少? A、 3万到4万首 B、 4万到5万首 C、 5万到6万首中国古代文学(2)
  • 45、关于Windows 窗口的概念,以下叙述正确的是______。 A.屏幕上只能出现一个窗口,这就是活动窗口 B.屏幕上可以出现多个窗口,但只有一个是活动窗口 C.屏幕上可以出现多个窗口,但不止一个是活动窗口 D.屏幕上可以出现多个活动窗口计算机统考
  • 单糖都有旋光性及变旋现象 有机化学
  • 在组距数列中,组中值( )。得分: 分 系统自动批改于2020年5月17日 0点37分 统计学原理
  • 2、The last patient left his office. Mr. South had a look at the _ _ _ 21 _ _ _ on the wall.It was a quarter to six. It meant that he had to stay there for fifteen minutes. A friend of his asked him to dinner that evening. Of course he should _ _ _ 22 _ _ _ some flowers for her. He brought out the purse and counted the money in it. He had sixty dollars and it was enough to do that. And then he remembered he bought a newspaper on his way to the hospital after lunch. He was too busy to read it. Now he brought it out, but then came in a man _ _ _ 23 _ _ _ forty. He looked at him carefully. The man looked strange. Mr. South didn't know what he came for. "What's wrong with you?" asked Mr. South. "Nothing,Mr. South," said the man, "But…" The man began to smile and said, "Don't you _ _ _ 24 _ _ _ me, Mr. South? You cured (治愈) my rheumatism(风湿病) three years ago." "Mr. Bell?" "Yes. Did you _ _ _ 25 _ _ _ me not to get myself wet?" "Yes, I did," answered the doctor. "Well. I come here to ask you if you think it's OK for me to take a bath now?"统考英语完型填空