1.  >>  国家开放大学 / 国家开放大学
 国家开放大学 / 国家开放大学


A. iOS
B. Windows Phone
C. Symbian
D. Android
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  • 1[计算题] 设 , 求 、 、 . 河南理工大学
  • 题型描述: 听力二1.A. They are ordered to do cooking and cleaning.B. They are kept in open prisons.C. They are a small portion of the prison population.D. They are allowed out of the prison grounds.2.A. Their prisoners are allowed freedom to visit their families.B. Some of their prisoners are allowed to study or work outside prisons.C. Most of their prisoners are expected to work.D. Their prisoners are often sent to special centers for skill training.3.A. They are encouraged to do maintenance for the training centre.B. Most of them get paid for their work.C. They can choose to do community work.D. They have to cook their own meals.英语听力I
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