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 河南成教 / 英国文学作品选读

After Tydale ’s Bible, then appeared the ______, wh ich was made in 1611 under the auspices of _____. And so was sometimes called the ____.
  • 公文标题采用介词结构形式,通常使用的介词是( )应用写作
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  • 短语翻译 Paraphrase the underlined parts of the following sentences in your own words.       Every civilized village needed a telephone, he said, and Magdaluna was not going to get anywhere until it had one.高级英语II
  • Container 是下列哪一个类的子类( )。 JAVA技术
  • 17、电源电压不变,电源频率增加一倍,变压器绕组的感应电动势()。 A. 增加一倍; B. 不变; C. 是原来的1/2; D. 略有增加。风力发电技术及工程
  • 名词解释 固定价格国际贸易实务