1.  >>  河南成教 / 发电厂动力部分
 河南成教 / 发电厂动力部分

  •  高等数学
  • ( )是指生产单位中的劳动对象以均匀的速度按照产品生产工艺流程的顺序,连续地流经生产工艺的各个环节,并在流经最后一个环节的时候完成产品生产的一种生产过程的组织形式。产品生产顺序生产流水生产工艺生产企业物流管理
  • 在近代以来中国人民开展救亡斗争的基础上中国共产党逐步探索出一条新民主主义革命的道路, 以下属于这一道路的内容有( ) 形势与政策
  • 建筑工程的检验批应按()等进行划分 建筑工程质量控制
  • He looked me right __________ the eyes and lie 英语
  • 题型描述: 十选项完形填空Many students find the experience of attending university lectures to be a confusing and frustrating experience. The lecturer speaks for one or two hours, perhaps _ _ _ _ the talk with slides, writing up important information on the blackboard, _ _ _ _ reading material and giving out assignment. The new student sees the other students continuously writing on notebooks and _ _ _ _ what to write. Very often the student leaves the lecture with notes which do not catch the main points and _ _ _ _ become hard even for the students to under?stand.Most institutions provide courses which assist new students to develop the skills they need to be _ _ _ _ listeners and note-takers. If these are unavailable, there are many useful study-skills guides which _ _ _ _ learners to practice these skills independently. In all cases it is important to _ _ _ _ the problem before actually starting your studies.It is important to acknowledge that most students have difficulty _ _ _ _ acquiring the language skills required in college study. One way of _ _ _ _ these difficulties is to attend the language and study-skills classes which most institutions provide throughout the academic year. Another basic strategy is to find a study partner _ _ _ _ it is possible to identify diffi?culties, exchange ideas and provide support.1、 A. performing B. extending C. conducting D. illustrating 2、 A. attributing B. distributing C. contributing D. explaining 3、 A. convinces B. understands C. wonders D. suspects 4、 A. as B. which C. what D. those 5、 A. expressive B. relative C. passive D. effective 6、 A. prevent B. timulate C. enable D. advocate 7、 A. acquaint B. formulate C. tackle D. evaluate 8、 A. on B. with C. in D. of 9、 A. sustaining B. withstanding C. preventing D. overcoming 10、 A. such as B. with whom C. in that D. for which统考英语B