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 国家开放大学 / 简明中国古代史

【单选题】北周时,发动对佛、道二教的打击,强制三百余万僧尼还欲的是(    )

A. 宇文泰
B. 宇文觉
C. 宇文护
D. 宇文邕
  • 由可持续旅游发展世界会议通过的( )规定了以下18条可持续旅游发展的原则。旅游学概论
  • 设为函数的级极点,那么 复变函数
  • 在我国出口实际业务中,审证任务由( )承担国际贸易实务
  • 文献按级别划分可分为几种?各自的特点是什么?各包括什么?医学信息检索
  • 1、Spacewalking astronauts stepped outside and gave the space station's new robot some eyes and a set of tools.It was the third spacewalk of shuttle Endeavour's visit to the station, each one aimed at putting together Dextre, the giant robot.The last time astronauts floated out, Dextre got arms. This time, the robot got two cameras that would serve as eyes. Also this time Dextre was equipped with three types of tools, four in all, as well as a platform for holding big items like batteries. So far, the 12-foot (3.6-meter) robot and both of its 11-foot (3.3-meter) arms have checked out fine. Each arm has seven joints, and the crew wanted to make sure the brakes worked.Dextre, a Canadian Space Agency contribution that cost more than US$200 million, is designed to assist spacewalking astronauts and, eventually, to take over some of their chores. Its designers expect the robot one day replacing batteries and other space station parts, lifting as much as 1,300 pounds (590 kilograms), and also performing some fine precision tasks like handling bolts.It has a sense of touch and is capable of sensing force and movement. That's how Dextre got its name, in fact. It is short for dexterous (灵巧的). The space walkers had some robot-unrelated chores, such as attaching a science experiment to the European lab, Columbus, and unloading spare station parts from the shuttle and attaching them to the orbiting complex for future use. 1. The astronauts walked outside their space shuttle to                              . A) complete Dextre's assembly B) act as the new robot's eyes C) make some tools D) view the wonderful scenery 2. After shuttle Endeavour had completed its second mission, Dextre got                              . A) some eyes B) a set of tools C) arms D) batteries 3. Which of the following is NOT TRUE of the new robot? A) It is of help to space walking astronauts. B) It got its name for its clumsiness. C) It is 3.6 meters high. D) It took people more than $200 million to build it. 4. Dextre is expected to do the following EXCEPT                              . A) replacing batteries B) carrying heavy objects C) performing delicate operations D) doing some of the astronauts' work 5. The author's purpose is to                              . A) persuade the reader that new robot must be taken seriously B) inform the reader of the new development in space robots C) entertain the reader with the robot Dextre D) show the reader how capable Dextre is大学英语4
  • 大规模群体干预是基于组织学习的组织开发干预模式之一。  人力资源开发