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 高等继续教育 / 中国现代文学

  • 电力电子器件一般工作在()状态。电力电子技术
  • 9、When Hughie came in he found Trevor putting the finishing touches to a wonderful life-size picture of a beggar-man.A. Trevor had most finished the picture of a beggar-man. B. Trevor had just checked a few details of the picture of a beggar-man C. Trevor was making some corrections in the picture of a beggar-man. D. Trevor was adding some decorations on the picture of a beggar-man综合英语(二)
  • 根据《劳动法》的规定,经济性裁员仅限于用人单位濒临破产或生产经营状况发生严重困难两种情形。员工招聘与选拔
  • 4[单选题] 张某与王某签订一份货物买卖合同,张某为卖方,住在甲市,王某为买方,住在乙市。双方对履行地点没有约定,且不能通过习惯、合同性质确定,双方又不能达成补充协议。依法,( ) A.交付货币应在甲市,交付货物应在乙市 B.交付货物应在甲市,交付货币应在乙市 C.交付货币和货物均在甲市 D.交付货币和货物均在乙市民法学
  • 王某与张某不和蓄意谋杀张某一家一天王某给张某儿子一块蛋糕其吃下后不久即腹痛死亡经法医签定农药中毒周密侦察后检察院对王某提起公诉本案的证明对象包括那些 证据法原理与实务
  • 每个C语言程序文件的编译错误被分为( )。C语言程序设计