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 河南成教 / 康复医学

[判断题] 腋拐长度的确定方法之一是用患者的身高减去39cm。()


  • 25[名词解释题] 性格 小学儿童心理学
  • 应天府书院坐落于现今的( )?南京上海商丘长沙中国传统文化概观
  • 1[阅读题]  Nancy got a job as a secretary in a big company. She was going to work in the Sales Department. Monday was the first day she came to work. She was very excited and she arrived early at the office. She pushed the door open and was surprised to find a large bunch of fresh flowers on her desk. "Oh,how lovely! Somebody sent me flowers the very first day!" She thought happily. "But who could it be?"    The day passed quickly and Nancy did everything well.    And every Monday morning she came to her office,she would see a new bunch of flowers there. She still didn't know who sent these flowers.    One Tuesday afternoon,she was asked to hand in a plan to the general manager's office. Her eyes suddenly fell on these words on a piece of paper: "Keep the secretaries in high spirits; Send a bunch of fresh flowers to each secretary's desk on Monday morning." 1. Nancy got a job___________A. in the Sales Department in a small companyB. in the Production Department in a small companyC. in the Sales Department in a big companyD. in the Production Department in a big company2. On her first day of work, she ______.A. was asked to hand in a plan to the general managerB. arrived early at the officeC. got a bunch of flowers from his boyfriendD. brought a bunch of flowers to the office3.Nacy got a bunch of fresh flowers  _____A. only on the first day of work    B. every dayC. every week                                 D. every first of day of the month4. She         when she saw the flowers on her desk.A. felt happy yet surprisedB. wanted to find out who did itC. felt worried as she didn't know who did itD. thought it must be her friend's joke5. Finally Nancy found that it was__ who sent flowers to the secretaries.A. the head of the department    B. one of her male colleaguesC. the general manager          D. one of her friends 英语1
  • 车站给水系统采用城市自来水作为供水水源,在车站两端的风亭处,分别用两条进水管将城市自来水引进车站,管径为DN150~DN200,与城市自来水的接管点处水压要求不低于0.1MPa。正确错误城市轨道交通车站设备
  • 存在现金漏损时,存款货币的创造被( )不确定减弱不变增强金融模拟交易
  • 柴油机燃油系统故障检测的两种方法有不解体检测和自动检测 人工检测 解体检测 元件检测汽车检测技术