1.  >>  河南成教 / 大学英语I
 河南成教 / 大学英语I


    Women are terrible shoppers. They spend a lot of time shopping and they only buy a few things. My wife is one of them. Sometimes she shops all day and she doesn't buy anything. She tries on clothes all day and then doesn't bring anything home. This seems mad!

    She's too fussy. She only likes a few colors. Her favorite colors are blue, green and yellow. She doesn't like red and pink. They are too bright and they don't suit her. And brown and gray aren't bright enough. Oh, she's fussy!

    This week,my wife bought herself a fur coat,and a ready-made suit dress, that is to say, a coat and a skirt. She wants to find a silk blouse to match them. She'd like to buy a hat,too.  In this way, she says,she will be in the very latest fashion. It seems that the suit she bought three weeks ago is already out of date.

6. Women are terrible shoppers because they _ _ _ _ _ _ .              

A. buy too many things at one time B. go shopping every day

C. do a lot of shopping but buy little D. care little about prices

7. The author's wife is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .                             

A. mad about colors                         B. blind to colors

C. fuzzy about colors                       D. fond of bright colors

8. The author's wife bought _ _ _ _ _ _ _ this week.                    

       A. a silk blouse                            B. a hat

       C. a suit                                         D. a fur coat and a skirt

9. The author's wife always buys more because _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .           

A. she is keen on the latest fashion

B. she is fuzzy about changing colors of her dress

C. she always finds her dress uncomfortable

D. she tries to look younger than her age

10. The author thinks his wife is anything but a _ _ _ _ _ shopper.       

A. crazy                                           B. fussy

C. terrible                                        D. reasonable


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