1.  >>  河南成教 / 房地产法
 河南成教 / 房地产法


A. 债权

B. 请求权

C. 物权

D. 形成权
  • 7[阅读题] So at about eleven every night when he sat down for his (1) , I would come out of the kitchen and sit down (2) to him and read articles from the front page of the (3) . When I ran into a word I didn’tknow (and I didn’tknow half of the article, because any word (4) than a couple of syllables gave me trouble) he explained the (5) of the word and gave me the (6) .Then he’d send me (7) . to the sentences so I could understand the word in (8) . Then I would take the paper away with me, armed now with the meaning of those words, and reread and reread the article (9) that the meaning of those words would get(10) into my memory. Every evening we did that.河南理工大学
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