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 高等继续教育 / 计算机统考

A.按Ctrl+V 快捷键
B.按Ctrl+X 快捷键
D.按Ctrl+Z 快捷键
  • 创新,就是要( )(A) 博采众长,吸取经验 (B) 不拘陈规,敢为人先 (C) 锲而不舍,永不懈怠 (D) 进行创造性的学习和思维思想道德修养与法律基础
  • 16、在Excel 2010中,假定B2单元格的内容为数值35,C3单元格的内容为10,则=B2/C3的值为______。 A.2 B.3 C.3.5 D.4计算机统考
  • 20、Two years ago, my husband left a bike for me. If you live in a town, it is often faster than a car and don't have to worry about parking(停车). You can _ _ _ 21 _ _ _ it anywhere. Because it has a seat at the back and a basket at the front, I can take my small daughter when it is cold and it is snowing hard. It also can be dangerous. You must be _ _ _ 22 _ _ _ on a bike. Accidents are not the only problem. One day I went _ _ _ 23 _ _ _ and when I came back, I couldn't find my front wheel. It was a long walk to the bike shop! Now I have three strong locks. Sometimes my husband uses my bike for short trips. He is not good at _ _ _ 24 _ _ _ bikes, but he says it is better than waiting for a bus. He still likes his car for longer trips, but I think that all this sitting down is making him fat. _ _ _ 25 _ _ _ my bike I got a lot of exercise and fresh air, and makes me feel much healthy.统考英语完型填空
  • 卢梭在教育思想史上的最大贡献是()。(A) 发现儿童论 (B) 学科中心课程论 (C) 建构主义教学理论 (D) 社会再造主义课程论小学教育学
  • 稷下学宫是由哪个国家创办的(A) 秦国 (B) 郑国 (C) 齐国 (D) 楚国中国教育史
  • He [ _ ] to climb the steep cliff but after only a few minutes decided it would be too dangerous. A.risked B.dared C.attempted D.practiced E.英语