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 高等继续教育 / 宪法学(专)


  • 6[名词解释题] 槽距角 电机学
  • 某企业第一年末应收账款余额为100000元,该年首次计提坏账准备金,坏账计提比例为3%。第二年实际发生坏账2000元。 要求:做出该企业计提坏账和实际发生坏账的相关快分录。中级财务会计(I)
  • 19、国际税收跨国公司管理
  • 字符串常量与字符常量的表示有什么不同?C语言程序设计
  • 题型描述: 段落翻译But to read nothing but books of fiction is like eating nothing but cakes and sweetmeats. As we need plain wholesome food for the body, so we must have serious reading for the mind. And here we can choose according to our taste. There are many noble books on history, biography, philosophy and science which we ought to read, and which will give us not only pleasure but an education. And we can develop a taste for serious reading, so that in the end it will give us more solid pleasure than even novels and books of fiction. Nor should poetry be neglected, for the best poetry gives us noble thoughts and beautiful imaginations clothed in lovely and musical language.英汉翻译
  • 老年人失眠禁用镇静安眠药物老年护理学