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 高等继续教育 / 统考英语完型填空

8、One night, a thief broke into an old man's house. He _ _ _ 21 _ _ _ a noise and woke up the old man and his wife. The husband told his wife to be silent, while he said loudly, “My dear, these days thieves are cleverer. If they take _ _ _ 22 _ _ _ their clothes and put them on the table, the people in the room will fall asleep and can't wake up.”
When the thief _ _ _ 23 _ _ _ this, he took off his clothes at once and was ready to set out to work. At this _ _ _ 24 _ _ _ , the husband suddenly shouted in a loud voice:“Stop thief! Stop thief!” The thief was very frightened. He ran away as fast as be could and _ _ _ 25 _ _ _ his clothes on the table.
  • 64、国际标准化组织ISO在______年颁布了“开放式系统互联参考模型(OSI/RM)”成为全球网络体系的工业标准。 A.1981 B.2001 C.2002 D.2003计算机统考
  • 7、将计算机分为通用计算机﹑专用计算机两类的分类标准是______。 A.计算机处理数据的方式 B.计算机使用范围 C.计算机的规模 D.计算机的处理能力计算机统考
  • 依照我国法律规定,下列人员对公司有出资义务的是() 经济法基础
  • 分析下面的HTML代码片段,则选项中的说法正确的是(    ) <table cellspacing="30">   <tr>    <td colspan="2" align="center">姓名</td>  </tr>   <tr>    <td rowspan="2" align="center">成绩</td>     <td align="center">语文</td>   </tr>   <tr>    <td colspan="2" align="center">数学</td>  </tr> </table> Html+CSS网站设计
  • 77、His mother _ _ _ _ _ alone since his father died. A.lived B.lives C.has lived D.is living统考英语词汇与语法
  • “改革开放是党在新的历史条件下带领人民进行的新的伟大革命”这句话是指(   ) A、 改革与第一次革命具有相同的内容 B、 改革也是解放生产力 C、 改革是对原有经济体制的根本性变革 D、 改革引起社会生活各方面的深刻变化中国特色社会主义理论