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 国家开放大学 / 宪法学

我国的政权组织形式是( )。
  • 19[单选题] 人民法院审理行政案件时,认为地方人民政府制定发布的规章与国务院部、委制定、发布的规章不致的,应如何处理(  ) A.适用国务院部、委制定、发布的规章 B.适用地方人民政府制定、发布的规章 C.由最高人民法院作出解释或裁决 D.由最高人民法院送请国务院作出解释或裁决行政法学
  • 利润率向平均利润率转化的过程同时就是 马克思主义基本原理
  • 物理结构设计阶段与具体的DBMS(  ) 数据库原理与应用
  • 项目监理机构应审查施工单位报审的施工总进度计划和阶段性施工进度计划,提出审查意见,并应由总监理工程师审核后报( )。建设单位 设计单位 监理单位 施工单位建设监理
  • 15、 解放思想就是指在马克思主义指导下()。 A.什么都可以想,什么都可以做 B.打破习惯势力和主观偏见的束缚,研究新情况、解决新问题 C.充分发挥人的主观能动性 D.人得主观意志可以决定一切毛泽东思想与中国特色社会主义理论体系概论
  • 1.Listen and fill in the blanks. 00:00/01:30 Kenji: Peter, are you going downtown today? Peter: Uh-huh. Why? Kenji: Can you give me a 1 (1)? I have to run some errands. Peter: Where do you need to go? Kenji: Uh, a lot of places. First, I have to go to the bank. Could you drop me 2 (2)at the Corner of King Boulevard and Second Avenue? Peter: King and Second? Oh, sure. I know where that is. But why are you going to the Bank? Why don’t you use the 3 (3) machine on campus? Kenji: ’cause my debit card isn’t working. I’ve got to get a new one. And the cleaner’s next 4 (4) to the bank. I have to pick up some clothes there anyway. Peter: Why don’t you use the 5 (5) room here in the building? Kenji: I’m not picking up laundry. It’s dry cleaning. By the way, is there a computer repair shop near there? I need to drop off my 6 (6)? Peter: Computer repair? Oh, yeah. There’s a Good Buy across the street from the bank. They 7 (7) computers there. Kenji: Oh, that’s convenient. So what are you going to do downtown? Peter: I’m going to the courthouse. I’ve got to pay a 8 (8)ticket. Kenji: No kidding! I have to pay a ticket, too. I just got a ticket last week. Peter: But, Kenji, you don’t drive! Kenji: I know. I got a ticket for 9 (9)! Peter: Really? Kenji: Yeah. I didn’t know it’s 10 (10) to cross in the middle of the street!高级英语听说(1)