>> 成人高等教育 / 管理学原理
43、Is your job doing harm to your health? If you are like a lot of American workers today, you experience a significant amount of stress in work. Stress doesn't just make you unhappy at work. It can affect your health. Doctors say people under stress have higher blood pressure, even when they are away from work. And they are at a higher risk for death from any cause than those who are more relaxed.
How do you know if your job could be a risk to your health? Some danger signs include difficulty getting to sleep or difficulty waking up in the morning, forgetfulness, aches and pains for no apparent reason, a desire to eat less or tendency to eat poorly, loss of interest in activities, etc. Everyone has bad days in which they feel many of these symptoms, but if you have noticed several of them, and you have experienced them for months, you may need to do something.
If you notice these signs in yourself or your loved one, check with your doctor to eliminate other possibilities. If the cause does appear to be stress, experts say you should try to make time for yourself away from work. Try relaxing in a warm bubble bath, listening to music and shutting out the world for a while.统考英语阅读理解 《辞海》(1999年版)对文化所下的定义是从狭义来说,“指社会的意识形态,以及与之相适应的制度和组织机构。” A、正确 B、错误护士人文修养 108、微处理器的功能包括______。
D.存储数据的功能计算机统考 关于原电池的下列叙述中错误的是( ) A、 盐桥中的电解质可以保持两电池中的电荷平衡 B、 盐桥用于维持电池反应的进行 C、 盐桥中的电解质不参与电池反应 D、 电子通过盐桥流动无机化学与分析化学 为T 细胞活化提供第二信号的CD分子是 A、 A.CD2 B、 B.CD3 C、 C.CD79 D、 D.CD28 E、 E.CD275免疫学基础 在精车循环G70状态下,ns至nf程序中指定的F、S、T无效。错误正确数控加工技术