国家开放大学 / 品牌管理
国家开放大学 / 品牌管理
品牌进入国际化市场的核心目的是打造持续的规模效益。 ( )
省交通厅形象年册营销历程。小郭在集邮公司工作已经有十多年了,自身不断成长的同时,也为多本省培养了一个忠诚度高、单笔业务创收大、增幅稳定的省级重点大客户——省交通厅。从2012年最初的制作形象年册500册到2018年制作6070册,平均每年的增幅在90%以上。累计制作形象年册30700册,为企业创收709万元。在与该单位交往的7年多中,小郭深切体会到营销工作应是以“激情”为动力、用“执着”来工作、用“创意”占市场、用“文化”留客户,这是发展集团客户致胜的法宝。 营销从陌生拜访开始。最早来到省交通厅时,集邮品是不受人们重视的,从2012年开始,小郭就向专业部负责人宣传集邮业务和集邮品,到2013年时,有3个专业部选用了集邮品。在不断回访中,小郭变换各种方式向该厅的十几个专业部的领导宣传介绍集邮品的优势;文化性强、品位高,具有很强的收藏价值,其作为宣传载体体现品质感,更具有延续性。2014年集邮品在该研究所的认知度达到了100%。7年间,集邮品以其高品位的文化特色得到3届领导班子的充分认可,在社会上的各类广告公司频繁涌入这家单位参与竞争的时候,小郭以她的激情、热忱和执着给了客户充分的信心,成功地将省交通厅发展成为省级重点大客户项目营销一等奖。同年,省交通厅的营销文案获全国邮政系统营销二等奖。 2012年省交通厅开始制作形象年册;2014年小郭向厅领导要在形象册中策划企业形象主题,这个建议立即得到了认可,当年省交通与省邮政签订战略合作协议,订出2400册,公司创收46万余元;2015年《辉煌交运20年》订出3200册,创收60余万元,形象册通篇展现了该几十年交通运输业、运输车辆及服务人员良好形象及改革发展。 发展集邮业务,为客户提供服务,其根本是集邮文化的魅力,打文化宣传的品牌,着眼于提高企业的文化意识,用国家名片来体现和提升客户宣传的文化品质,这是多年来不断开发客户、保持客户关系和留住客户的重要秘诀。“创意求发展,文化觅知音”这样的理念和做法使得形象年册这一草本业务在省交通厅变成了一个木本业务,成为集邮业务赢得市场的一个成功典范。 根据以上案例,下列选项中分析正确的是( )。
公安机关制作的提请批准逮捕书应当依法送达提请审查批准逮捕的机关是( ) A.同级人民检察院 B.同级人民法院 C.上级公安机关 D.上级人民检察院 E.
城市轨道交通需求的基本特征是( )。普遍存在性 复杂多样性 时空集散性 运营的有效性 政策决定性
题型描述: 阅读理解How often one hears children wishing they were grown up, and old people wishing they were young again. Each age has its pleasures and its pains, and the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets.Youth is a time when there are few tasks to make life difficult. If a child has good parents, he is fed, looked after and loved. It is impossible that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return. In addition, life is always presenting new things to the child—things that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well-known. But a child has his pains: he is not so free to do what he wishes to do; he is continually being told not to do things, or being punished for what he has done wrong.When the young man starts to earn his own living, he can no longer expect others to pay for his food, his clothes, and his room, but has to work if he wants to live comfortably. If he spends most of his time playing about in the way that he used to as a child, he will go hungry. And if he breaks the laws of society as he used to break the laws of his parents, he may go to prison. If, however, he works hard, keeps out of trouble and has good health, he can have the great happiness of building up for himself his own position in society. (271 words)1、 Which of the following is NOT needed for a young man to be happy? A. Health. B. Hard work. C. Being free from troubles. D. Wealth. 2、 People can experience happiness if they _ _ _ _ _ _ . A. are no longer young B. always think of the past and regret it C. become old and have much experience D. value the present 3、 When people were young, they used to _ _ _ _ _ _ . A. face a lot of difficulties B. look after their younger sisters and brothers C. be in charge of many business D. have few things to think about and take on 4、 The pains of children lie in the fact that _ _ _ _ _ _ . A. no one helps them make right decisions B. they can not be accepted and praised by others C. they are not allowed to do what they like to do D. they are often beaten by their parents 5、 Children are usually happy because _ _ _ _ _ _ . A. old people lose interest in them B. they are free to do wrong C. things are new to them D. they are familiar with everything going on around them
65[单选题] 在刚性密闭容器中,有下列理想气体反应达平衡 A(g)+B(g)=3C(g),若在恒温下加入一定量惰性气体,则平衡将( ) A.向左移动 B.向右移动 C.不移动 D.无法确定
[简答题] 城市化的类型
《证据法学》 题库
《供配电系统监控与自动化》 题库
《大学日语(二)》 题库
《金融法规》 题库
《经济学原理(二)》 题库
《内科学》 题库
《机械CAD/CAM》 题库
《常微分方程》 题库
《旅游英语》 题库
《老年常见病照护》 题库
《环境监测(本科)》 题库