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 国家开放大学 / 西方经济学


  • 11[单选题] 抗震概念设计要求,对地基基础的要求错误的是() A.同一结构的基础不宜设置在性质截然不同的地基上。 B.同一结构的基础不宜部分采用天然地基,部分采用桩基。 C.不考虑周围建筑基础对基础的影响 D.地基为软粘性土、液化土、新填土或严重不均匀时,应估计地基不均匀沉降的不利影响并采取相应措施。建筑结构抗震设计
  • 鼓室与颅中窝相邻的壁是护理应用解剖学
  • 受到“诗可以怨”说影响的有:中国文学批评史
  • (    )是教研活动的主体,教研活动是通过他们的参与得以实现的。 A.教师B.园长C.保教主任D.教育行政部门幼儿园管理
  • 37、He stared at her a brief moment , seeing the fear in her face, but also a loathing for all men involved in the making and dispatch of nuclear weapons.A. seeing not only the fear in her face, but also a strong feeling for all men involved in t B. seeing not only the fear in her face, but also a detest for all men involved in the making C. seeing not only the fear in her face, but also a contempt for all men involved in the mak D. seeing not only the fear in her face, but also a strong opposition to all men involved in大学英语2
  • 当水源位于田块中心,且长宽比大于2,那么在布置低压管道系统时最适宜的管网布置形式应该是 国家开放大学