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 高等继续教育 / 旅游英语

题型描述: 句子翻译
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  • WHO提出的生存质量的有关因素包括康复护理学
  • 3、在商品预测过程中,重要商品应设定( )。 A. 模型存货计划 B. 基本存货清单 C. 永不过时清单 D. 季节性存货清单零售学
  • 5、41.Students with _ _ _ _ _ _ _ problems may apply for student loans. A. economic B.financial C.male D.economical 42.Both sugar and salt can _ _ _ _ _ _ in water. A. desert B.absorb C.dissolve D.involve 43.I have not heard anything from him since his _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . A. departure B.fault C.foundation D.acciptance 44.Without a proper education, people could _ _ _ _ _ _ _ all kinds of crimes. A. conduct B.stoop C.commit D.sweat 45.Several loudspeakers are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ from the ceiling and we can hear the speaker very clearly. A. connected B.sustained C.associated D.suspended 46.This morning in the class, our teacher lost his _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at last because he could not stand any more. A. temper B.terror C.verse D.contain 47.It is not --- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for me to return all the books to the library now because I still need some of them for my research. A. continuous B.difficult C.convenient D.sufficient 48.When traveling alone in the mountains, you’d better take a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with you in case you get lost. A. compass B.compress C.complse D.campus 49.As a teacher, you should not _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the students from asking questions in class. A. ruin B.restrain C.import D.impose 50.If you have any problems during your study here, please do not _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to call me for help A. hesitate B.despair C.urge D.request英语(二)
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  • .2014年12月1日,甲公司与乙公司签订一项不可撤销的产品销售合同,合同规定,甲公司于3个月后提交乙公司一批产品,合同价款(不含增值税额)为600万元,如甲公司违约,将支付违约金100万元。至2014年年末,甲公司为生产该产品已发生成本为30万元,因原材料价格上涨,甲公司预计生产该产品的总成本为660万元。不考虑其他因素,2014年12月31日,甲公司因该合同确认的预计负债金额为( )万元。高级财务会计