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 高等继续教育 / 统考英语交际英语

16、- What do you think of the movie we saw last night?
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A.The actress is bad.
C.The theatre is bad.
D.Nobody was there.
  • 34、中国下一代互联网示范工程是_______。 A.internet B.intranet C.metronet D.CNGI计算机统考
  • 介绍、握手的次序也要看情境,如在家族聚会、婚丧酒宴场合应( )优先。 旅游礼仪
  • [单选题] When greeting ( ), you should never greet a woman with a kiss and never offer your hand to a woman first A.an American woman B.a Japanese woman C. a Chinese woman D.an Islamic woman商务英语
  • 依《物权法》的规定,下列说法正确的有:( )A、留置权担保的对象仅限于合同债权B、留置权担保的对象不限于合同债权C、除法律另有规定和当事人另有约定外,只要符合留置权发生要件的,均可成立置权D、企业间发生的留置,债权人留置的动产应对与债权属于同一法律关系物权法
  • (4)Marketing research is the systematic gathering, recording, and analyzing of information for guiding marketing decisions.正确错误电子商务英语
  • 设随机变量X服从标准正态分布N(0,1),则概率A. 0.7234;   B.  0.9545;   C.  0.9973;   D.0.6826 经济数学