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 河南成教 / 建筑工程概预算


工期优化时,要做到(  )。





  • 在计算企业业务招待费税前准许扣除限额时,计算的基数为销售(经营)收入净额,下列收入中可计入收入净额的是。a.其他业务收入b.主营收入c.罚没收入d.股权投资的持有收益纳税基础与实务
  • 当我们突然进入存在很多不熟悉的符号和行为的情境的时候,我们会感到焦虑不安,甚至茫然不知所措,这反映了以下哪一项跨文化沟通的障碍?() A.偏见与成见 B.种族中心主义 C.感知 D.思维方式 E.商务谈判
  • 开门时,要在“门关闭”位停顿5秒,再打到“门打开”位,并在“门打开”位保持1秒,确保屏蔽门全部打开。正确错误城市轨道交通车站设备
  • 题型描述: 阅读理解Today, roller skating is easy and fun. But a long time ago, it wasnˊt easy at all. Before 1750, the idea of skating didnˊt exist. That changed because of a man named Joseph Merlin. Merlinˊs work was making musical instruments. In his spare time he liked to play the violin. Joseph Merlin was a man of ideas and dreams. People called him a dreamer. One day Merlin received an invitation to attend a fancy dress ball. He was very pleased and a little excited. As the day of the party came near, Merlin began to think how to make a grand entrance at the party. He had an idea. He thought he would get a lot of attention if he could skate into the room. Merlin tried different ways to make himself roll. Finally, he decided to put two wheels under each shoe. These were the first roller skates. Merlin was very proud of his invention and dreamed of arriving at the party on wheels while playing the violin. On the night of the party Merlin rolled into the room playing his violin. Everyone was astonished to see him. There was just one problem. Merlin had no way to stop his roller skates. He rolled on and on. Suddenly, he ran into a huge mirror that was hanging on the wall. Down fell the mirror, breaking to pieces. Nobody forgot Merlinˊs grand entrance for a long time!1、 People thought Merlin was a dreamer because he was full of imagination. A. T B. F 2、 Merlin put wheels under his shoes to give the people at the party a surprise. A. F B. T 3、 Merlin ran into the room and was knocked down by the wall. A. T B. F 4、 The last paragraph told us Merlinˊs roller skates needed to be improved. A. F B. T 5、 The text is mainly about how people enjoyed themselves in the 18th century. A. T B. F统考英语A
  • 14[论述题] 正当防卫的成立条件。刑事诉讼法
  • [填空题] 城市的经济活动按服务对象可划分为()和();以基本活动部分();以非基本活动部分占优势的经济部门叫();城市地理学