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 国家开放大学 / 幼儿园班级管理


  • 8、John lives alone because his wife died. He works hard all his life, _ _ _ 21 _ _ _ he is very poor. Now he is so old that he can't work. He has three sons, but they are married, and they are very busy. They only have time to eat dinner with their _ _ _ 22 _ _ _ once a week. The old man grows older and older, and his sons come to see him less and less. “They don't need me at all now,” he tells himself. They are afraid I'll become a burden. Then he makes a plan. The next morning, he finds a large box, fills _ _ _ 23 _ _ _ lots of broken pieces of glass, and then locks it with an old lock. In the afternoon, his sons come for dinner. They find the box. “What's in this box?” they ask. “Oh, nothing,” the old man says. “It must be full of gold,” they think. So they want to guard the treasure. They decide _ _ _ 24 _ _ _ with the old man. They can look after him, too. This goes on for _ _ _ 25 _ _ _ . At last, the old father dies. The sons give him a very nice funeral. After the funeral, they open the box. They find it full of broken glass. There is a note on the glass: Honor your father and mother.统考英语完型填空
  • 140、构成计算机物理实体的部件被称为_______。 A.计算机系统 B.计算机硬件 C.计算机程序 D.计算机软件计算机统考
  • 选择氧化还原指示剂时,应该选择( ) (A) 指示剂的标准电位愈接近滴定终点电位愈好 (B) 指示剂的 标准电位愈接近滴定终点电位的差越大越好 (C) 指示剂的标准电 位越负越好 (D) 指示剂的标准电位越正越好大学化学
  • We’ve been expecting _ _ _ _ _ your call.a./ b.forc.tod.with综合英语(1)
  • 当两个直径相等的圆柱,其轴线相交成直角时,它们的相贯线为( ) 实用电子工程制图
  • 图示悬臂梁截面A的弯矩值是ql2。土木工程力学(本)