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 国家开放大学 / 人才测评技术及应用


  • 19、They were going to Fort Lauderdale-three boys and three girls-and when they _ _ 21 _ _ the bus, they were carrying sandwiches and wine in paper bags dreaming _ _ 22 _ _ golden beaches and sea tides as the gray, cold spring of New York vanished behind them. As the bus passed through New Jersey, they began to notice Vingo. He sat in front of them, _ _ 23 _ _ in plain, ill-fitting suit, never moving, his dusty face _ _ 24 _ _ his age. He kept chewing the inside of his lip a lot, frozen _ _ 25 _ _ complete silence.统考英语完型填空
  • 广为流行的Mp3播放器采用的存储器是_____。 计算机应用基础
  • 65、The taxi driver always reminds passengers to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ their belongings when they leave the car. A.keep B.catch C.hold D.take统考英语词汇与语法
  • 36、- Would you come and have dinner with us? - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A.No, I think I do. B.No, never mind. C.Yes, please. D.Thanks. I will.统考英语交际英语
  • 41、在Windows中,复制屏幕,应该使用的快捷键是______。 A.PrintScreen B.Ctrl+V C.Alt+X D.Ctrl+C计算机统考
  • 以下关于逻辑运算符两侧运算对象的叙述中正确的是( )。 C语言程序设计