河南成教 / 交通设计
河南成教 / 交通设计
[简答题] 在什么条件下十字型环形交叉口有必要采取信号控制?
香港在( )中首次被纳入国家整体发展战略规划。
监理工程师对施工质量的检查与验收,必须是在承包单位( )的基础上进行
He looked me right __________ the eyes and lie
题型描述: 阅读理解Basketball is perhaps the only sport whose exact origin can safely be stated. During the winter of 1891—1892, Dr. James Naismith, a college instructor in Springfield, Massachusetts, invented the game of basketball in order to provide exercise for the students between the closing of the football season and the opening of the baseball season. He attached fruit baskets overhead on the wall at opposite ends of the gymnasium. He organized nine-man teams to play his new game, using a soccer ball. What the players did was to throw the ball into one basket and keep the other team from tossing the ball into the opposite basket. There have since been many changes in the rules. For example, the number of players on a team has been reduced to 5. But the game is basically the same today. Americans introduced it to the Philippines in 1900 and to Europe during World War I. Being adopted by foreign countries, it soon became a worldwide sport. It is interesting that although basketball was created as an indoor game, in countries other than the United States, it is now played almost entirely outdoors. (190 words)1、 When did basketball start? A. In the late 18th century. B. In the late 19th century. C. In the early 18th century. D. In the early 19th century. 2、 For what purpose was the game of basketball invented? A. To provide exercise played at the opening of the baseball season. B. To provide exercise for the students who don’t play baseball. C. To provide exercise played in between the football and baseball season. D. To provide exercise for the students who don’t play football. 3、 How many players did a team have when basketball was first played? A. 9 B. 5 C. 4 D. 6 4、 Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. There have been many changes in the rules since the game was invented. B. Basketball was first played with a soccer ball. C. Basketball was invented by a soccer player. D. Basketball was begun earlier in Asia than in Europe. 5、 What can’t we learn from the passage? A. Basketball has replaced soccer as a popular sport in the world. B. Basketball is played mostly outdoors outside of the U.S. C. Basketball is not played outdoors in America. D. Basketball was invented as an indoor game.
2[分析题] 阅读以下材料,回答问题: 材料1: 习近平总书记说过,“精神是一个民族赖以长久生存的灵魂,唯有精神上达到一定的高度,这个民族才能在历史的洪流中屹立不倒、奋勇向前。”我们党在长期奋斗历程中形成的优良传统和革命精神,正是这样一笔宝贵的财富,这笔财富代代相传,不断激励着中国人民攻坚克难、努力奋斗。 材料2: 伟大长征精神,是中国共产党人及其领导的人民军队革命风范的生动反映,是中华民族自强不息的民族品格的集中展示,是以爱国主义为核心的民族精神的最高体现。——2016年10月21日,习近平在纪念红军长征胜利80周年大会上的讲话 材料3: 24年,8000多个日夜,500米口径球面射电望远镜首席科学家、总工程师南仁东心无旁骛,为崇山峻岭间的中国“天眼”燃尽生命,在世界天文史上镌刻下新的高度。这位驰骋于国际天文界的科学家,曾得到美国、日本天文界的青睐,却在20世纪90年代中期毅然舍弃高薪,回国就任中国科学院北京天文台副台长。当时他一年的工资,只等于国外一天的工资。在“中国天眼”的建设中,南仁东不顾身患重疾的身体,70高龄仍坚守奋斗工作第一线,默默奉献,潜心研究,耐得住寂寞、守得住平凡,以十年磨一剑的精神和毅力为建设世界一流水平的“中国天眼”望远镜不懈努力。他在科研路上勇于探索、善于创新,实现了科学领域的重大原创突破、推动了我国的创新驱动发展。 请结合材料谈谈(1)为什么实现中国梦必须弘扬中国精神? (2)新时代的大学生如何在实践中弘扬中国精神?
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