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 高等继续教育 / 经贸英语

Johnson Co. has given us your name as a ____, and we should be very much ____ if you would advise us whether they are of good reputation.
Johnson Co. has given us your name as a ____, and we should be very much ____ if you would advise us whether they are of good reputation.

  • 7[多选题] 交流异步电动机中的定子部分有() A.电枢 B.铁心 C.外壳 D.端盖电机学
  • 简单系统中应用重合闸而且重合闸成功将增大减速面积。( )电力系统分析基础
  • __________意为“安全数字”。计算机组成与维护
  • 未在中华人民共和国境内上市销售的药品属于药事管理学
  • 5[单选题] 有他人在场会使活动效率提高的现象是( ) A.群体促进效应 B.群体凝聚效应 C.群体协同效应 D.群体互动效应组织行为学
  • 反应的活化能越高,温度对速度的影响 物理化学(药学专)