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 河南成教 / 英国文学作品选读

The growth of electric media and the emphasis on lifelong learning add up to tremendous opportunities for people who can combine the excitement of computer graphics and animation with educational content. This “edutainment filed ” will be open to everyone from the entrepreneurs who package and marker the products to computer programmers, graphic artists, animators, and educators.
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  • 胜任、公正、谨慎、条理等人格特征属于人格五因素中的( )因素。实用心理学
  • 串平波电抗器的电动机负载与大电感负载在单相全控桥整流电路中输出电压波形一样吗?为什么?电动机的反电动势不起作用吗?电力电子技术
  • 生态旅游的目标是旅游的可持续发展 生态旅游
  • 房屋总高24m的刚性方案多层砌体房屋,应满足以下()时,可不考虑风荷载的影响。混凝土结构与砌体结构(下)
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