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 国家开放大学 / 云平台管理

QEMU本身并不是KVM的一部分,其自身就是一个著名的开源虚拟机软件。( )
  • 题型描述: 十选项完形填空There were once three sons of a wealthy businessman. _ _ _ _ they met, the two eldest, who were twins, _ _ _ _ to quarrel about which of them should be his fatherˊs heir (继承人) . The youngest, who was not _ _ _ _ ambitious (野心勃勃的), took no part in their argument. As soon as they left home, the father arranged for an adequate income to be provided for _ _ _ _ of them, but insisted that apart from this they were to be financially self-supporting. The _ _ _ _ twin, who had the advantage of good looks and a striking per?sonality, decided that he would take up the stage _ _ _ _ a career. He _ _ _ _ a small repertory company, acted in minor parts, was always unpunctual (不准时) at rehearsals and was accordingly _ _ _ _ with his fellow-actors. He earned little and so had to live mainly on his allowance. He occasionally thought of _ _ _ _ his profession, but always put off _ _ _ _ a decision, and he became increasingly bored and disillusioned.1、 A. living B. ending C. changing D. turning 2、 A. went B. attended C. joined D. joined in 3、 A. in the least B. in the most C. at least D. at most 4、 A. whenever B. wherever C. whatever D. however 5、 A. unwelcome B. unpopular C. welcome D. popular 6、 A. first B. elder C. younger D. older 7、 A. are using B. are used C. Used D. using 8、 A. decide B. making C. make D. deciding 9、 A. be B. is C. / D. as 10、 A. every B. none C. All D. each统考英语A
  • 宏观经济学:(    )经济学(本)
  • 6[单选题] 行政许可决定机关作出不予行政许可决定的,应当说明理由,并告知申请人依法享有在法定时间内申请行政复议或者提起( )的权利 A.法院调解 B.仲裁 C.行政诉讼 D.行政调解消费心理学
  • 下列( )是增值税专用发票的开具要求。 税务会计
  • 25[多选题] 在定置管理中 , 物的定置三要素体现为 ( ) 。 A.物的存放场所 B.物的存放姿态 C.现场标志 D.人与物的结合 E.物与场所的结合
  • Due _ _ _ _ _ _ technological changes, our life becomes more and more convenient. 大学英语