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3. 具有灵活性、适应性强,但稳定性较差的组织结构形式是( )
  • 1941年9月由陕北公学、中国女子大学、泽东青年干部学校合并组成()。中国教育史
  • 36[填空题] She was too  to put her thoughts into words. (excit)大学英语2
  • ()在《汉文学史纲要》中指出汉语具有三美:意美以感心,音美以感耳,形美以感目。而修辞格则是这三美的集中体现。 a. 艾青b. 杨朔c. 朱自清d. 鲁迅修辞学
  • 9、利率期货中的多头套期保值通常应用于投资者预期市场利率将要()时。金融风险管理
  • (本题20分) 1. 20*5年初A公司(一般纳税人)购入一台需要安装的设备,支付买价10 000元,增值税1 700元,运输费500元;安装设备时,领用企业生产用原材料一批,账面价值1 000元,市价1 200元,购进该批原材料时支付增值税170元;支付外请安装工人工资1 500元。上述有关款项已通过银行收付。 要求: (1)计算该项设备的原始价值。 (2)对上项设备,编制自购入、安装及交付使用的会计分录。中级财务会计(一)
  • 题型描述: 段落翻译The air that sweeps the South Sea Islands is fragrant with flowers and spice. Bright warm days follow clear cool nights, and the rolling swells break in a never-ending roar on the shores. Overhead the slender coconut palms whisper their drowsy song. When white men first came to the Pacific islands, they found that the people living there were like happy children. They were tall men and beautiful women who seemed not to have a care in the world. Coconut palms and breadfruit trees grew at the doors of their huts. The ocean was filled with turtles and fish, ready for the net. The islanders had little need for clothing. There was almost no disease. Cruel and bloody wars sometimes broke out between neighboring tribes, and canoe raids were sometimes made on nearby islands. The strong warriors enjoyed fighting. Many of the islanders were cannibals, who cooked and ate the enemies they killed. This was part of their law and religion. These savages, however, were usually friendly, courteous, and hospitable. Some of the early explorers were so fascinated with the Pacific islands that they never returned to their own countries. They preferred to stay.英汉翻译