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 成人高等教育 / 课程与教学论

我国中小学最基本最常用的教学方法是(  )。

  • A、


  • B、


  • C、


  • D、


  • 题型描述: 阅读理解The room was dark and still. Only one boy was still awake. He sat on the edge of his bed at a far corner of the room. Slowly and carefully, he made small holes across a piece of paper with a sharp stylus (铁笔). Every two or three minutes he stopped and ran his fingers across the raised dots on the opposite side of the paper. A whisper came from the next bed, “Louis, are you still making dots? You’d better stop and get some rest. The teacher will be angry if you fall asleep in class.” The reply came slowly. “I know. I’m almost finished now. Go back to sleep, Gauthier.” Louis Braille, inventor of the Braille reading system (盲文) for the blind, put his paper and stylus on a table behind his bed. He stood up and walked across the room to an open window. He hardly noticed the cool April wind brushing his face. He knew his system would work despite what others thought.1、 This passage is mainly about how the Braille method was invented. A. T B. F 2、 Braille stopped making dots and ran his fingers across the paper from time to time because he was tired. A. T B. F 3、 The other boy asked Braille to stop because he could not go to sleep with Braille working. A. F B. T 4、 From the passage we know people did not believe Braille would succeed in his work. A. T B. F 5、 Louis and Gauthier were classmates. A. F B. T统考英语B
  • 《孔雀东南飞》的男女主人公是( )。 A、 木兰 B、 罗敷 C、 焦仲卿 D、 刘兰芝中国古代文学作品选读
  • 社会保障与社会工作的不同之处表现为?社会保障表现为一套制度,社会工作则是具体的服务活动社会工作的范围比社会保障稍宽一些社会保障的具体目标不一样社会保障与社会工作的本质不一样社会学概论
  • 【多选题】我国高等植物种类数量仅次于( ),位居世界第三。巴西印度尼西亚俄罗斯美国人类发展与环境保护
  • 运用所学的Illustrator软件,根据所提供的样图,临摹“可口可乐罐”,注意罐的渐变与文字。(本题20分)   要求: (1)用文字描述所有临摹过程和步骤(包括主要用到了哪些菜单和工具),存成Word文件上交; (2)保留Illustrator作品的原始的层文件,存成AI文件格式上交,无层文件的作业无效; (3)为了保证作品的效果,另存一张tif文件格式上交,分辨率100dpi即可;计算机平面设计(2)
  • 8[多选题] __________ is a way in which new words may be formed from already existing words by subtracting an affix which is thought to be part of the old word. A.affixationn B.back-formation C.insertionn D.addition英语语言学