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 高等继续教育 / 统考英语词汇与语法

28、The manager will not _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ us to use his car.
  • 农业合作化基本完成是 A、 1952年底 B、 1953年 C、 1956年底 D、 1957年底中国近现代史纲要
  • 1937年12月,日军占领中国国民政府首都南京后,制造了震惊中外的(),是骇人听闻的反人类罪行 A、 南京大屠杀 B、 旅顺大屠杀 C、 南昌大屠杀 D、 潘家峪惨案中国近现代史纲要
  • 39、在Excel 2010的一个单元格中,若要输入日期2014/4/5,则正确的输入为______。 A.'2014/4/5 B.2014/4/5 C.=2014/4/5 D."2014/4/5"计算机统考
  • 33、The Chinese government has taken _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to prevent the spread of the bird flu. A.step B.steps C.measure D.something统考英语词汇与语法
  • 国民党在抗日正面战场取得胜利的战役是A.淞沪会战B.长沙会战C.台儿庄战役D.百团大战中国近现代史纲要
  • 18、George Stephenson was born in 1781. He was _ _ 21 _ _ a poor English worker's family. His father looked after a steam engine. He worked hard indeed, _ _ 22 _ _ he could not support his family. Where could he get the money to send George to school? George began to learn his ABC when he was seventeen. On his 18th birthday, he could write his own name. George had to work when he was only a small child. The work was much too hard _ _ 23 _ _ him. He worked for 12 hours every day. After a day's work he often felt _ _ 24 _ _ tired to stand. He worked and studied very hard. He spent all this time learning about the steam engine. _ _ 25 _ _ he studied hard, he invented many things. The railway locomotive(火车头)was the greatest one of them.统考英语完型填空