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 国家开放大学 / 社会保障学


  • What can we know about the origin of “tip”?a.It originated from the English inn service.b.The original purpose of tip was to ensure that waiter could get more money.c.The waiter threatened the customers with bad service if no tips were given.d.It originated in a small English village.综合英语(2)
  • 心理健康必不可少的条件及获得心理健康的重要途径是( )。a.社会适应b.智力正常c.人际和谐d.人格完整e.情绪良好心理健康常识
  • 介绍他人,又称(    ),它是第三者为彼此不相识的双方进行引见的一种介绍方式。 a.被动介绍b.东道主c.第三者介绍d.主动介绍社交礼仪
  • 使用回归预测法的关键是要找出那些与人力资源需求高度相关的变量,这样建立起来的回归方程预测效果才会比较好。( )公共部门人力资源管理
  • 王实甫《西厢记》中的主要矛盾冲突是()。 社交礼仪
  • 5. From the last paragraph it can be concluded that the continuous growth of retired people _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .a. will contradict future industrial developmentb.will stabilize the economies of such communitiesc.will spoil the relationship between the elderly and the youngd.will be good for tourist industry综合英语(2)