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 河南成教 / 河南理工大学

能溶于乙醚、石油醚等有机溶剂的是____ 。
  • 5.一般来说,个人消费者的特征包括( )。 流通概论
  • 不同的色彩模式有不同的用途,常见的有灰度模式、双色调模式、索引模式和多通道模式以及       。 多媒体技术与应用
  • 新修订的义务教育法将义务教育均衡发展作为法律要求予以明确。基础教育改革专题
  • 1[翻译题] In the traditional marriage, the man worked at a job to earn money for the family. Most men worked in an office, a factory or some other places away from home. Since the man earned the money, he paid the bills. The man made the decisions. He was the boss.   In the traditional marriage, the woman seldom worked away from the house. She stayed at home to care for the children and her husband. Her job at home was very important.   In recent years, many couples continue to have a traditional relationship of this kind. The man has a job and earns the money for the family. The woman stays at home and cares for the children and the house. Many Americans are happy with this kind of marriage. But some other Americans have a different impression of marriage and family responsibilities.英语
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