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 高等继续教育 / 计算机统考

24、PowerPoint 若要设置幻灯片中的文字的字符间距,应该进行的操作在___________。
  • 51、Last summer, I took my first airplane flight from London to New York. I boarded the plane at Croydon Airfield and, from that moment on, my life was arranged for me on the trip. First, I was directed to my seat by the stewardess. Then, when the plane was ready to take off, the other passengers and I were told to fasten our seat belts. A few minutes after take-off, magazines and newspapers were passed out. Because my ears hurt, I was given some gum to chew. Next, we were given instructions on what to do in case of an emergency. We were given earphones to listen to music and told that a movie would be shown after dinner. Before dinner, we were asked if we wanted a cocktail. Dinner was served on a tray, but it was attractive and delicious. We were permitted to have a refill on any beverage. After dinner, we were shown a new Hollywood movie. When I felt cold, I was given a blanket and when I felt airsick, I was given a paper bag. Everything was done for the comfort of the passengers. When the plane landed, I was almost sorry to get off and have to start doing things for myself again.统考英语阅读理解
  • 存在时域采样定理,不存在频域采样定理数字信号处理
  • 细胞间相互作用不受MHC限制的是 医学免疫学
  • つくえといすは部屋に?。 日语
  • 若矩阵的秩等于零,则该矩阵一定是零矩阵. 线性代数
  • 下列语句哪个为二维数组的定义语句:(A) dim g [2,3] (B) dim g[2][3] (C) dim g(2 ,3) (D) dim g(2)(3)VB程序设计