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 高等继续教育 / 证据法学


  • 题干填空题05.我国第一所公立幼儿园于1903年建立在湖北回答正确回答正确正确答案是:武昌获得2.00分中的2.00分。学前教育原理
  • 29、()是斑块间养分流形成的主要媒介物。 A. 植被 B. 水 C. 土壤 D. 风景观生态学
  • 常见的不允许索赔费用有哪些?电力工程招投标
  • 由于人员推销是一个推进商品交换的过程,所以买卖双方建立友谊、密切关系是公共关系而不是推销活动要考虑的内容。 ( )市场营销学
  • avoidedpresidentagainsthas beenwhichestablisheddirtinesswoundedturnbetweenIn 1837, to the age of seventeen, Florence Nightingale decided to become a nurse, ( 1 ) horrified her mother. In those days, nurses were little more than doormen, and hospitals were places of ( 2 ) and neglect. Nightingale pressed on and in 1853 she became ( 3 ) of a small London hospital. She went on to the Crimea when war broke out there ( 4 ) Britain and Russia. She ( 5 ) the first of what we now know as war hospitals: sanitary, safe, and stocked with supplies. Her tireless ministrations to the ( 6 ) soldiers made her famous all over the world. Following the war, Nightingale ( 7 ) fame and continued to train nurse, ever battling ( 8 ) what she herself declared “a commonly received idea... that it requires nothing but a disappointment in love, or incapacity in other things, to ( 9 ) a woman into a good nurse.” Since 1921, her birthday ( 10 ) the centerpiece of National Hospital Week, observed in British and American hospitals with special exhibitions, workshops, and publicity drives.大学英语语法
  • 车辆走合保养的周期一般为 ( ) 。 汽车维护与保养