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 高等继续教育 / 英汉翻译(英语教育)

题型描述: 段落翻译
The continuous rapid economic growth in China's western regions will generate more investment opportunities for foreign companies in the are The rapid development over the past 20 years and more has laid down certain material and technological foundation in the western regions. This coupled with social stability and gradual shaping and improvement of the market economy system, has created a favorable market environment for the sustained and fast economic progress in the western regions. The Chinese government adheres to the guiding principle of development focusing on the expansion of domestic demand and it has integrated the expansion of domestic demand, economic restructuring, advancement of science and technology and promotion of opening up. As the Strategy of Developing the Western Regions is steadily pushed forward, the resource and economic advantages of the west will be brought into full play thus further raising the quality and level of its economic growth.
  • 32. 自发过程是指不需要任何外力作用,就能自动进行的过程,分析下列哪些过程是自发过程。   A、热由高温物体传到低温物体   B、摩擦生热过程   C、等温过程   D、等熵过程中石油
  • 1[单选题] 在Oracle中,一个用户拥有的所有数据库对象统称为( )。 A.数据库 B.模式 C.表空间 D.实例河南理工大学
  • 注册会计师的法律责任按其性质分为( )。 审计学
  • Excel操作中,将单元格指针移到B220单元格的最简单的方法是(      )。 计算机应用基础
  • 4[单选题] 数学教育中最适合于幼儿认知结构特点和水平的方法是 A.游戏法 B.讨论法 C.操作法 D.演示法河南理工大学
  • 3、若银行的资金来源是短期的,资金运用是长期的,则银行的收益较低,而流动性下降,我们称之为资产负债的期限结构错配。金融风险管理